Tuesday, April 1, 2014

A is for Affirmation #atozchallenge

"As the morning Ascends upon us, a sense of Anticipation Arises As the A to Z challenge enters the Atmosphere." ~MontanaView~

A is for Affirmation, or as I was taught, setting goals and affirming they will come true by writing it as if it has already happened. Something I know all to well considering as a youth/pre-teen it was already being pounded into my brain.

I have no resentment for the word, I love it. Affirmation is a beautiful word. It has been the inspiration for my entire life. If only I used it more, I would be on the right track now.

One of the most influential icons in our family describes it well, "If you want to reach a goal, you must 'see the reaching' in your mind before you actually arrive at your goal." Zig Ziglar

"Each day brings a chance to live life Anew" ~MontanaView~


  1. I like the quote. So true! Visiting from the A-Z Challenge today!

  2. Very cool to meet you via the A-Z challenge. I've been studying the enneagram for a couple do decades, and did 2 years' worth of A-Z challenges on the enneagram. I'm a 1w9w, but I'm pretty sure my hubby's an 8. And yes, my comment is off-topic, but your profile and your sidebar also has interesting info!

    1. I read, in part anyway,"The Wisdom of the Enneagram" and I really learned a lot about myself and my family. Nice to meet someone who understands the concept. Thank you for visiting...

  3. So many people could benefit from a bit more affirmation. I'm glad you appreciate how important it is in your life.

    Also, please turn off captcha, so you get more comments during the Challenge.

    MJ, A to Z Challenge Co-Host
    Writing Tips
    Effectively Human
    Lots of Crochet Stitches

    1. Thank you M.J. for your advice, as you can see I have been dormant on my blog. I am hoping this gives me back my inspiration and gets my creative mind in check.

  4. I love affirmations! I have them posted all over my office because the more I see it, the more I believe it! It's great to meet you! {A-Z Challenge} I'll be checking back often! :)

  5. Yes, I am a believer in this outlook.

    I'm now following your blog. If I may offer a suggestion for you to get more followers clicking the "Supporters" button, move the widget to the top of the page so it is seen immediately. I didn't see it until I scrolled down to your third post. A lot of people aren't willing to make that effort.

    Good luck with the A to Z!

    Wrote By Rote
    An A to Z Co-host blog
